A New Campus Facility
Red Crow Community College will continue to support the community through innovative programs delivered through a campus that is infused with, and firmly rooted in, Blackfoot culture.

Red Crow understands that to increase Indigenous participation in the workforce, we must work in partnership to address the recruitment, retention, and skill development. Underpinned by a new Comprehensive Institutional Plan and generational investments by the Government of Canada and the Province of Alberta, Red Crow College is developing a strong educational presence on the Blood Reserve to support the social and cultural needs of students and the community.
Since a 2015 fire that destroyed the main campus building, we have developed a comprehensive institutional plan -- supported by our community and grounded in labour market and economic research -- to re-establish facilities and programming to meet the needs of young people.
Through the strategic investment of the Chief and Council, as well as the Province of Alberta and the Government of Canada, capital funding for the construction of our 9,455 square metre facility is in place. A total of $48 million has been raised with $28 million coming directly from the Blood Reserve and the College. We are still seeking to raise an additional $5 million to complete and equip our new campus facility, to match Band contributions and establish an operating sustainability fund, enable annual investment contributions for the future and to underpin student bursaries and directly support learners.
The new 9,455 square metre, on Reserve facility in Standoff will include: classrooms and workshops; an innovative new Learning Commons; cultural gathering spaces; student academic and counselling spaces as well as new central spaces for Elders. The Facility will support 15-year enrolment projections of concurrent attendance by of up to 970 learners (FLEs) onsite and 436 learners (FLEs) offsite at other Campus Alberta institutions.

Total Contributions to Our Project:
Red Crow Community College
$8 Million
Blood Tribe
$20 Million
Government of Canada – ICIP
$20 Million
$5 Million
(still to be raised)

The New Red Crow College.
This is the new Red Crow College.
We are leading centre for Indigenous teaching, learning, and research
We are a catalyst for change in how Indigenous education is delivered
We promise to unlock potential by connecting education and skills training with cultural connections
We provide a path forward to enable young people -- and a community -- to participate in our shared economic future more fully

Enhanced programs in Indigenous Studies will allow students to learn and understand their culture and history. Trades programs on the Reserve will prepare student for working in the local community and beyond. Expansion of our post secondary and trades programming with new apprenticeship programs in welding, electrical, culinary arts and carpentry will keep students on-Reserve for longer periods of time, to provide a greater foundation for success grounded in culturally steeped learning as well as family and Elder support.
The new campus will support students, staff, and the community at large to gather, learn and celebrate Blackfoot culture. The pursuit of knowledge is fundamental to the identity and pride of our nation. It is at the core of the success of our people.